Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 4

Not really fasting anymore but still juicing. Feeling a little bit better every day.

Note to self: Juice does not "keep" over night. Drink it while it is fresh or lose 75% of the taste. I never thought watermelon could taste stale until today.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 3

7:00am ~ I had a major craving for water this morning. I didn't want pop. I am not hungry yet so I didn't want to make any juice yet. Which really doesn't matter because I wanted WATER. Now I have always loved water as long as it is nice and cold. We have the best water at work. I drink a lot of it there. But I admit at home I often drink pop. So I guess despite my dinner time cheating the last couple of days I am still making improvements. To bad we are down to just a couple of bottles of water left in the fridge ...

So I juiced during the day and the hubby and I went out to eat for supper. We went to a buffet and I filled up on salad and veggies. It was really really good! I did have some goodies like fried chicken and a rice krispie bar. I know I know not great choices. But I really enjoyed myself and the time I spent with my hubby.

I think I have found a happy medium in all of this. I juice during the day and eat a decent dinner at night. I am feeling a lot better then before. I don't know how to describe it. I just feel healthier. Maybe it is one of those things that you don't know how it feels until you actually feel it. But I am feeling good. I plan to continue the juicing but letting myself eat real food for dinner. Maybe some day I can go full on juice fast. But for now I am happy.

Day 2

Day 2 ~ I had to work so it was easier not to eat all day. I made a large batch of watermelon and pineapple juice. It filled me up pretty well before work. I did cheat and have a can of pop during my normal supper break. I drank it mostly because I wanted something other then water while on my break. I was out of juice at that point. I guess I should start bringing my cooler again so I can keep some juice with me. I won't have to worry about it for a few days since I have the weekend off. Plenty of time to plan.

I did give in after work and ate again. I may have to adjust this plan. I feel pretty good juicing for breakfast and lunch but by supper I am hungry and angry. I can't get it out of my head that with the Slim Fast plan you get to shakes and a sensible meal. So why can't I do that with juicing? LOL

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 1

12:00am ~ It is midnight now. Time to begin the fasting. I stopped at Burger King on my way home from work and shoveled chicken fries in my mouth. Then I washed it down with a huge pop. Right before midnight I ate a candy bar and two baby bell cheese thingies. Tiny round cheeses will be the last thing I eat for over a week. Interesting ...

7:30am ~ I am thinking I should go make something. I am not sure what yet. The only down side is the hubby didn't prep any of the fruit and veggies yesterday. So I have to do that first before juicing and finally drinking. This is why I am fat. I to lazy to make anything. Not to mention the fact that the baby won't stop touching the computer and now he is doing the ugly cry. How am I suppose to make anything with wild child going nuts? Maybe some watermelon will make him happy ... if I ever figure out how to get that thing cut open ...

12:00pm ~ Well it has been 12 hours. I am hungry but then I have not juiced for lunch yet. I was pretty full after my breakfast juice. It was good ... needed more lime. Not sure what I am going to make for lunch. Maybe I will use the broccoli. I will have to see what the hubby wants ..... lunch wasn't great but it wasn't bad either. I need to make things more sweet. That was a bit to much veggie.

2:30pm ~ Surprised by how hard I have to think about not eating. I keep thinking "Oh I better go eat something! No ... wait ... " or stopping myself from reaching over and munching on things around me for the baby. I have almost put an animal cracker in my mouth like 9 times now.

7:00pm ~ I caved and ate real food. I want to feel guilty about it but I don't. It tasted soooo good. All of the anger and frustration I was feeling went away. It was odd. I thought I should feel bad for cheating but really I just felt good for listening to myself and eating solid food when I felt like I needed it. Hmmm ....

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

10 day juice fast

I recently watched a movie called Fat Sick and Nearly Dead with my husband. It was a pretty good movie. We watched the film maker go from ... well every thing in the title of the movie to healthy and happy and slowly working his way off his medications. He looked amazing and it inspired us to try what he tried. So we soon will be starting a 10 day juice fast. I know it sounds crazy. Maybe it is a little bit. But I think we have both gotten to the point where we need to do something. We are not living a healthy life style and I would hate to see us drag our boys down that road too.

So we bought the juicer used in the movie. We looked at other juicers but this one seemed to have the best reviews. The hubby is at the store right now stocking up on large quantities of fruits and veggies. I made room on the counter for the juicer and room in the fridge for the food. I am looking forward to getting this started tomorrow. I have to work tonight so it will have to wait until tomorrow for me.

My hopes for this reboot is mostly to feel better and have more energy. Maybe my hair will stop falling out and finally start looking better. I hope the arthritis in my knee gets better and my allergies go away. Obviously weight loss is a bonus but it is not my main drive here. I just want to feel better and to hurt less. Anything else that comes with it will make me happy.

So I will check in every day and we will see how I do. Not eating food will be weird. But hopefully the juice will fill me up so that I won't think about it to much. Wish us luck!